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Glava Marine’s lightweight solutions reduce the weight of the insulation by up to 50 percent compared to traditional rock wool, while Weber Marine’s lightweight solutions, primary deck coverings and self-levelling compounds, can reduce weight by up to 68 percent. This means the ship or rig can carry more profitable weight - be it passengers, goods or product equipment.
It's not just about comfort, temperature, sound and fire protection in the marine / offshore market. To compete in one of the toughest environments on earth is also about choosing solutions that keep the weight to a minimum for ships and rigs.
Minimum weight provides maximum benefits. Our solutions and products are lightweight, flexible and have first-class insulation and flooring properties that are ideally suited for marine / offshore applications.
Our knowledge of the industry, product and regulations is absolutely vital since all marine / offshore contracts have very detailed specifications, certificates and solid references. The marine / offshore departments are built up with very competent people - we not only sell solutions and products, but as a solid player we also provide advice and expertise sharing.
We are constantly working on further development. Ultimately, marine / offshore products and solutions have value only after undergoing accreditation stakeholder testing. Having the right certificates and approvals is an absolute requirement for us.
Reduced weight leads to lower fuel costs and is favorable both economically and environmentally. For passive fire protection on bulkheads, decks and floating floors on board ships and rigs, we have a complete range of certified products covering all A and H structures.
Trekker det i kroken ved godstolen, eller våkner du av skrittene i gangen? God isolasjon er ofte nøkkelen til et mer komfortabelt hjem, både når det gjelder støy og temperatur.
Må etterisolering være en stor investering? Ikke nødvendigvis! Med enkle tiltak, som å isolere loftet, kan du raskt redusere varmetap, senke strømregningen og øke komforten i hjemmet ditt - uten å måtte sett i gang et stort prosjekt.
Bygg din egen badstue med enkle hjelpemidler.